Glacier County Parcel Search (Montana)

Glacier County Clerks maintain public records for their jurisdictions, usually at the county or local level in Glacier County, Montana. Clerks also keep documents on every parcel in Glacier County, including information on property tax assessments, property appraisal values, parcels eligible for property tax reductions, unclaimed parcels, and public property. Parcel searches can also provide information about Glacier County property owners, liens, and unpaid property taxes. The Clerk's Office may provide an online parcel search on its website.

Glacier County Clerk Cut Bank MT 512 East Main Street 59427 Suggest Edit

Glacier County Recorders of Deeds is responsible for maintaining real estate ownership documents for a county or local government in Glacier County, Montana. Recorders of Deeds must ensure the accuracy of Glacier County property, land, and parcel records, and their records include information on parcel lines, unclaimed parcels, parcel zoning, and parcel appraisal values. This information is often available in a parcel search, which is typically available on the Recorder of Deeds website.

Glacier County Recorder of Deeds Cut Bank MT 512 East Main Street 59427 406-873-3610 Suggest Edit

Glacier County Assessors work at the county and local level to determine the value of taxable property in Glacier County, Montana. As part of their responsibilities, assessors conduct appraisals of property and assess property taxes owed for each parcel. Many assessors also provide online access to Glacier County parcel search information, which shows parcels, buildings, public property, appraisal values, zoning information, and property tax assessments. Glacier County parcel searches can also locate unclaimed parcels and property owner information. Parcel searches are often available on the Assessor's website.

Glacier County Treasurer Cut Bank MT 512 East Main Street 59427 406-873-5063 Suggest Edit

Glacier County Treasurers and Tax Collectors are responsible for collecting taxes for a county or local government and disbursing these funds, including property taxes in Glacier County, Montana. Treasurers and Tax Collectors maintain information on parcels in Glacier County, including information on property taxes, appraisal values, parcel lines, unclaimed parcels, and parcels with reduced property taxes. Some Glacier County parcel searches may also provide information about ownership, building types, and zoning. Parcel searches may be available on the Treasurer and Tax Collector's website.

Glacier County Treasurer Browning MT 124 2nd Avenue Northwest 59417 406-873-3626 Suggest Edit

Glacier County Treasurer's Office Cut Bank MT 512 East Main Street 59427 406-873-3625 Suggest Edit